Attorney-General Turudic leaves Judiciary Committee session amid tensions over information leaks

NEWS 27.09.202412:49 0 komentara
Patrik Macek/PIXSELL

State Attorney-General Ivan Turudic left a thematic session of the parliamentary Judiciary Committee, which dealt with the leaking of information from investigative proceedings. The session, which he left after an hour, was characterised by his disputes with members of the opposition, in particular with committee chairman Nikola Grmoja (Most party).

“It is a gross insinuation that I colluded with someone to take part in the meeting. You are accusing me of coming to the session to which you invited me. That is inconceivable. You criticise the fact that I came. I apologise for the inconvenience,” said Turudic and left the meeting.

On leaving the meeting, he said that the purpose of the meeting was not to establish the truth.

Grmoja: There were reasonable grounds to suspect that information about the imminent arrests had been leaked to the suspects

“What I had to say was completely irrelevant, the conclusions had already been drawn and some of the MPs were not interested in the truth,” he said.

The proposal to hold the thematic session on information leaks was made by the chairman of the Justice Committee, Grmoja, after the arrests of two HDZ MPs who had previously resignedJosip Skoric, who resigned as chairman of the board of directors of the motorway operator Hrvatske Ceste, and Josip Saric, who resigned as an MP.

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