Croatian MEP, Ivan-Vilibor Sincic, on Thursday handed out food packages from local farmers passers-by in Zagreb's main square, using the opportunity to slam the government and the EU over sanctions against Russia, saying that they would "lead to an energy crisis and the collapse of the economy."
Commenting for local reporters on energy price hikes, Sincic condemned the Croatian government and the EU.
“All this is happening because Brussels ordered us to do so, but many factories and companies will be closed as a result, and citizens’ gas bills will be as high as 10,000 kuna come November,” said Sincic, adding that he was “fighting for citizens” and would continue to fight “regardless of the displeasure of Brussels or the Croatian government.”
“If the solution is to get onto the first plane to Moscow and agree on the purchase of gas, oil and other energy products for ten, fifteen years, then that is exactly what should be done,” he said.
Sincic appealed to the government to stop the “self-destructive and counterproductive sanctions,” noting that Russia had never been earning more money because it had markets to sell it gas and that Croatia and Europe should put themselves and their citizens first.
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