Daily: Ruling party is preparing for elections in March 2024

NEWS 26.01.202313:11 0 komentara

The ruling centre-right Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) is seriously preparing for parliamentary elections in March 2024, two months before European Parliament elections, the Jutarnji List daily reported in its Thursday edition.

Talking to several high-ranking party members, Jutarnji List has learned that Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic will put all his cards on the table next year and request another term in office. The election should be held before Easter holidays next year.

According to the daily, the latest government reshuffle should also be seen in the context of these preparations, notably the appointment of party veteran Branko Bacic as Minister of Physical Planning, Construction and State Assets. Bacic has decided to put all state institutions in charge of post-earthquake reconstruction under his control and promised that none of the earthquake victims in the Banija region will live in containers come next winter.

Since there is enough money and over a hundred contracts have been signed with contractors, it is realistic to expect that the promise will be delivered and that the affected families in Banija will celebrate the next Christmas in new homes.

In that case, Plenkovic will finally be able to tick the reconstruction box and use it as an election trump card, Jutarnji List said.

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