Drava river water level drops to 195-year record low

NEWS 24.08.202213:54
Davor Javorovic/PIXSELL

The water level of the Drava River in Osijek has dropped to a historical low of -170 centimetres, which is its lowest level since measurements began in 1827.

The director-general of the Hrvatske Vode water management company, Zoran Djurokovic, said that the previously lowest level of -168 centimetres was recorded in 2003.

Although there has been some rain, it will not significantly help the water level recover, he said.

We expect that the trend of extremely low water levels will continue, not only on the Drava but also on the Sava river, where the level is 15 to 20 centimetres above the historical low in the middle course. The water level of the Danube too is about 30 centimetres above the historical minimum, Djurokovic said.

Precipitation will help water supply and agriculture to some extent, but it won’t help the navigability of rivers, he said.

Commercial navigation on the Drava is no longer possible and restrictions have been introduced for the cargo weight of boats on the Danube.

The Danube River waterway should have a depth of 250 centimeters, however, now it is 160 centimeters, so ships have to half their cargo in order not to run aground, he said.