Health Minister Vili Beros said on Monday, ahead of a news conference to be held by doctors' associations over their dissatisfaction with the situation in the health system, that the topic should not be used for raising one's media visibility and that dialogue was the only way to find adequate solutions.
The minister said in a statement that all outstanding issues can be settled only through constructive dialogue, by harmonising demands and objective possibilities.
He noted that the accomplishment of the representativeness of the Croatian Doctors’ Union (HLS), which was one of the first demands of the Croatian Medical Chamber (HLK) and other professional organisations, was best proof of the responsibility and intention of the current health administration to help make positive changes to the benefit of all employees in the health system.
The other demands mentioned by the Croatian Medical Chamber and their associates are at a high stage of realisation, he said.
Beros also added that sending messages via press conferences cannot replace direct dialogue, stressing that the ministry had invited the HLK and its associates to a working meeting in order to continue looking for acceptable solutions of interest to doctors and employees in the health system.
The HLS, the HLK, the Croatian Association of Hospital Doctors (HUBOL), the Association of Family Medicine Doctors (KoHOM), and the Young Doctors Initiative have called a press conference for today due to the general dissatisfaction of doctors with the situation in the national health system.
The reason is a recent survey covering 5,700 doctors out of 14,000 who are members of those five associations from across the country, which shows that 97% of the respondents are dissatisfied with their work status. Furthermore, 94% of those who responded to the survey are in favour of protest actions.
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