Here are the reactions of parties representatives to the results of the exit polls

NEWS 09.06.202422:08 0 komentara

The leader of the Domovinski pokret (DP) party, Ivan Penava, said on Sunday after the publication of the exit polls for the European elections, which show that the party has won one seat, that the DP party has established itself as the third political force in Croatia and congratulated Stephen Bartulica on the seat he has probably won.

Regarding the low voter turnout, Penava said that the recent national parliamentary election led to a drop in voter engagement and turnout, which the DP regrets as it would have liked to see a much higher turnout in the European elections.

“We should wait for the official and final elections results to be announced tonight by the State Electoral Commission. But if we can trust the accuracy of the exit polls, then we congratulate our elected candidate Stephen Bartulica,” Penava said.

Ivan Penava
Ivan Penava (Photo: N1)

Borzan: “The SDP’s goal was to do as well in these polls as it did five years ago”

Social Democratic Party (SDP) MEP Biljana Borzan expressed her satisfaction with the first exit polls, which indicate that the opposition party can count on four seats in the tenth European Parliament.

Commenting on the exit polls, which show that the ruling HDZ party will win 6 of the 12 seats for Croatia in the 720-seat EP and that the SDP is in second place with four seats, Brozan said that the SDP’s goal was to perform similarly in these polls as it did five years ago, when it also won four seats.

Biljana Borzan (Photo: EP)

“According to the exit polls, we got more votes by 10% percentage points than in 2019,” she said, expressing her hope that the SDP will end up winning five seats in the EP,” Borzan said.

Most: “The party should always learn certain lessons from the elections”

According to the exit polls, the Most party did not pass the electoral threshold for the European Parliament. However, MEPs Zvonimir Troskot and Marin Miletic said that the final results should be awaited, even if the current situation is not good.

“It would be great if the evening surprises us and I end up with the mandate. But the situation is not good, the exit polls show that it will remain very tight until the end. We will be smarter with time and the end of the count,” Miletic told Croatian new agency Hina.

Marin Miletic (Photo: N1)

It’s like getting divorced and then wondering what it would have been like. It’s a closed story, they chose their way, we have our own way, and that’s it,” he said when asked if the result was influenced by the fact that Nino and Marija Selak-Raspudic left the Most party.

Miletic noted that the party should always learn certain lessons from elections, whether they lead to victories or defeats.

Bozinovic: “From what we see, it is a fact that the HDZ also won these elections”

The HDZ’s Interior Minister, Davor Bozinovic, said that it was clear that the HDZ had also won the elections to the European Parliament after its success in the national parliamentary elections.

“Of course, we are still waiting for the official results, but from what we see, it is a fact that the HDZ has also won these elections,” said Bozinovic.

Davor Bozinovic (Photo: Slavko Midzor/PIXSELL)

He emphasised that this really reflects continuity.

“Three times in the parliamentary elections and now in the European elections,” he added, thanking the citizens who continuously put their trust in the HDZ.

Milos is satisfied if Mozemo becomes a party in the European Parliament

Jelena Milos, the second candidate on the Mozemo list for the European Parliament, said she would be satisfied if Mozemo became a party in the European Parliament.

Jelena Milos (Photo: N1)

However, Milos also warned that the final results should be awaited.

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