The leader of the strongest Bosniak party in BiH, Bakir Izetbegovic, welcomed the political agreement accepted by BiH political leaders in Brussels on Sunday evening, saying it represents “an important step on BiH's European path.”
The Party of Democratic Action (SDA) leader was referring to the document the political parties represented in the Parliamentary Assembly of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the members of the BiH Presidency agreed on following a lengthy meeting with the senior European Union officials. The document, among other things, reiterates their commitment to preserving and building a peaceful, stable, sovereign and independent functional BiH and the country’s EU integration.
Izetbegovic said the principles and obligations from the agreement represent a road map that not only opens the door to the candidate status for BiH’s membership in the European Union, but also ensures better functionality of institutions and adoption of important laws in the field of justice and fight against corruption.
“I hope that yesterday’s meeting in Brussels represents the end of unreasonable blockades that have harmed everyone in the past period, and that all those who accepted the Agreement, but also those who did not, will adhere to its principles,” Izetbegovic said on Monday.
He expressed gratitude to the President of the European Council Charles Michel and the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell for their commitment and support.