Minister on Conflict of Interest Commission looking into use of police boats by PM

NEWS 07.09.202416:33 0 komentara
Davor Božinović
Josip Mikacic/PIXSELL

Commenting on the news that the Conflict of Interest Commission will look into the use of police boats by the prime minister, Minister of the Interior Davor Bozinovic said on Saturday the first category of protected persons receive 24-hour protection and when they travel to islands, a police boat is always there.

“The situation is the same for both Prime Minister Plenkovic and the President when they travel to an island, a police boat is always there. Those regulations have been in force for years,” Bozinovic said.

PM on use of police boats

Asked by reporters on Friday about the announcement by the Conflict of Interest Commission that it would look into his use of police boats, PM Plenkovic said that in the past eight years, he had used a police boat to travel to islands 28 times.

“I hope they plan to look into Milanovic’s case as well, because if they do not, then we have a serious problem as regards the work of the Conflict of Interest Commission. We are completely transparent in that regard, I have asked my associates to check how many times we have (travelled to islands by a police boat) – 28 times in eight years,” said Plenkovic.

He wondered how a protected person was supposed to travel to an island if not by a police boat.

“That is far from the extravagant and excessive use of military resources that are not intended for the transport of protected persons anywhere in Croatia, including islands,” Plenkovic said.

“Should they (the Commission) have any questions, we will provide answers, instruct them, teach them, and explain what this is about, both to them and the engaged public that has been diverting attention from the extravagant spending and complete lack of responsibility in the use of military resources for driving around Croatia, and for what?” he said.

“I still have not heard why they use a Black Hawk or a Russian transport helicopter for travel within Croatia, if that were normal, everybody would be doing it,” Plenkovic said in reference to President Zoran Milanovic.

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