N1 has learnt that the Accidents Investigation Agency has completed a draft report on the Lastovo ferry accident in August last year.
Three crew members of the Jadrolinija ferry “Lastovo” were killed and another seriously injured in the accident, which was caused by the collapse of the vehicle boarding ramp.
The document has already been sent to all relevant institutions, including Jadrolinija and the Croatian Register of Shipping. The preliminary report is now in the feedback phase with the relevant authorities. The final version will then be published and made available to the public.
Jadrolinija and the Croatian Register of Shipping now have 30 days to provide their feedback and the final report is expected to be published in February.
The agency responds
The Agency has provided clarification to N1.
“Upon completion of the safety investigation, the Agency will publicly present the final report analysing the circumstances and causes that led to the marine accident. The report shall also propose preventive and corrective measures, where appropriate, to prevent future marine casualties. Safety investigations and final reports do not establish responsibility or apportion blame for the marine casualty. The aim of the safety investigations and final reports produced by the Agency is essentially to systematically improve maritime safety.
The Agency has conducted a thorough safety investigation and prepared a draft final report, which was finalised within the planned timeframe by the end of 2024. Feedback from interested parties is expected by the end of January this year, followed by the publication of the final report in the first quarter of this year.
When the Agency issues safety recommendations with proposed remedial actions following the publication of the final report, those most responsible for their implementation will be required to report to the Agency on the execution and implementation of the proposed safety actions,” the Agency stated in its response to N1.
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