EU border police training course begins in Istria


A FRONTEX training course of EU border police began in the Istrian town of Valbandon on Monday, the Interior Ministry (MUP) reported.

FRONTEX, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, oversees the effective functioning of border control at the external borders of the EU, and assists EU member states who require help at their external borders.

The training course is part of the “EBCGT – Land Border Surveillance Officer Training” programme.

Due to a large influx of migrants from Asia to the eastern Mediterranean, the police officers from EU countries are engaged on a daily basis in the protection of the EU’s external borders at sea and rescue operations. The Valbandon course, the first of four FRONTEX training courses this year, will include workshops based on scenarios of the border police handling of asylum seekers.

The training course is conducted by trainers from Germany, Poland, Greece, Finland, Romania, and Croatia, and 18 police officers from 13 EU countries are attending.

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