Protesting Bosnian war veterans clash with police


The police clashed with the war veterans who staged a protest in the central part of Sarajevo on Tuesday. After the initial gathering in front of the parliament building, the veterans took to the streets where the clash occurred.

According to N1’s reporter, the police surrounded the veterans and, during the clash, the police was using tear gas.

The veterans had announced the mass protest and set September 5 as a deadline to the authorities to harmonize amendments to the Law on Veterans and Their Families in a special session. After the parliament failed to convene, the situation escalated into the mass protest.

Two chambers of the Parliament of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH) entity, Bosnia’s part dominated by Bosniaks and Croat, had adopted the law but in two different versions, which triggered dissatisfaction among the veterans.

They threatened with blocking of the October election and “making the lives of politicians bitter.”

Publication of a single veteran registry and the veteran allowance, as well as the cut in the financing of veteran associations, the veterans reiterated their demands after they gathered in front of the parliament.


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