Final deadline for Milanovic’s inauguration 18 February, details unknowm

NEWS 19.01.202516:07 0 komentara
Zoran Milanović
Igor Kralj/PIXSELL

The deadline for the swearing-in ceremony of re-elected President Zoran Milanović, who convincingly won the presidential election with almost 75% of the vote, is 18 February, but the exact date and place of the inauguration ceremony is not yet known.

President Milanovic’s first term expires on 19 February, and the Office of the President does not want to talk about the details of the inauguration yet.

It is known that Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandrokovic and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic will not attend the inauguration due to, as the prime minister explained, Milanović’s “flagrant violation of the Constitution”.

Speculation has appeared in the media that Milanovic could hold his second and final inauguration ceremony in St. Mark’s Square, as all his predecessors have done, but also in Zagreb’s main square – Ban Jelacic Square.

There is also speculation that the inauguration could be held a few days before the deadline, which is on 18 February.

The oath is taken before the President of the Constitutional Court, and the text of the oath is defined by the Law on the Election of the President and reads: “I swear on my honor that I will perform the duty of President of the Republic of Croatia conscientiously and responsibly, for the benefit of the Croatian people and all Croatian citizens. As the Croatian Head of State, I shall abide by the Constitution and laws, ensure respect for the constitutional and legal order of the Republic of Croatia, oversee the orderly and just operation of all governmental bodies, preserve the independence, existence and integrity of the State of Croatia. So help me God”.

President of the Constitutional Court Miroslav Separovic, who has been in verbal conflict with Milanović on several occasions, said in recent days that he was ready to reach an agreement on the inauguration and swearing-in ceremony.

Milanovic’s first presidential inauguration took place on 18 February in the Office of the President. It was the first inauguration not held in St. Mark’s Square, and it was attended by the least number of guests.

It was attended by judges of the Constitutional Court, the highest state officials, two former presidents, Stipe Mesic and Ivo Josipovic, family and members of Milanovic’s campaign team.

There were no party presidents, diplomats or church representatives.

The inauguration began with the Croatian anthem performed by Josipa Lisac, whose distinctive performance caused mixed reactions.

Milanović, like former presidents Stjepan Mesic and Ivo Josipovic, did not wear a sash. After the oath-taking and speech, the handover of duties between Milanovic and the then president Grabar-Kitarovic followed.

The inauguration ceremony was considered appropriate, with low costs.

Although Parliament Speaker Gordan Jandroković and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic attended the inauguration in 2020, the prime minister said after a meeting of the HDZ Presidency and National Committee that neither he nor Jandroković would attend the inauguration of a man who violated the Constitution.

“We have taken a stance. We will not congratulate him, nor will we expose ourselves to the absurd situation of listening to Milanovic taking an oath on the Constitution after he violated it countless times. Neither I nor the Speaker of Parliament will attend,” Plenkovic said.

He rejected Milanovic’s message about cooperation and “extended hand” as insincere and as a PR gesture.

He does not see Milanovic’s message of cooperation as sincere, but rather as a PR gesture.

Jandrokovic said that he considers it appropriate not to attend the inauguration.

“We respect the will of the voters, and no one questions the election results. Personally, I’ve never had an issue with congratulating someone or attending events like inaugurations. I have always done what I thought was proper, and I am doing the same this time,” Jandrokovic said.

The State Election Commission (DIP) said that according to the final results of the presidential election, which was held on 12 January, Milanović was re-elected president with 1,122,859 votes or 74.68%, while his opponent Dragan Primorac won 380,752 votes or 25.32%.

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