HUP: Employers have not been included in preparing Recovery and Resilience Plan

NEWS 23.03.202110:14 0 komentara
HUP: Hrvatsko gospodarstvo usporava a industrijska proizvodnja u velikom padu.

The Croatian Employers' Association (HUP) on Tuesday reiterated its appeal for being included in the elaboration of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NPOO).

HUP insists that reforms envisaged by that plan should make Croatia a desirable destination for business and investments.

Reforms aimed at boosting a country’s competitiveness and private investments are a top priority in the reform documents whose implementation is required by the European Commission as a precondition for tapping EU funds, the association says.

It reiterates its demand that 50% of the funds envisaged by the NPOO should be made available to the private sector.

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