‘Kali Sara’ condemns violence against women and revokes MP Kajtazi’s honorary membership

NEWS 01.10.202415:10 0 komentara
Veljko Kajtazi
Marko Prpic/PIXSELL

The Croatian Romani Union “Kali Sara” on Tuesday condemned all violence, especially against women and Roma women, and declared that MP Veljko Kajtazi is no longer its honorary member due to his attack on its president Suzana Krcmar.

Kajtazi must also vacate the association’s premises in Zagreb by 6 October.

“Kali Sara” called on all female victims to report violence to the police and other relevant institutions, adding that she will continue to stand by citizens, especially all members of the Roma national minority, in all cases of discrimination.

Criminal complaint against Kajtazi

As long as the investigation against Kajtazi is ongoing, Krcmar will not make any statements to the media, the union said.

The weekly magazine Nacional was the first to report that Kajtazi, the deputy from the Roma minority and member of the ruling majority, had physically assaulted his colleague Krcmar this summer. In August, the public prosecutor’s office received a criminal complaint against him.

Kajtazi and Krcmar have yet to comment on the case, and MPs labelled it scandalous last week.

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