Red Cross Croatia on Tuesday made a fundraising appeal for Ukrainian refugees and displaced persons following Russia's invasion of their country.
Red Cross Croatia said that money can be donated via its bank account, IBAN: HR0923600001503056530, Poziv na broj odobrenja 705, Zagrebacka banka d.d., Zagreb, Trg bana J. Jelačića 10, primatelj Hrvatski Crveni kriz, Ulica Crvenog kriza 14-16 Zagreb.
For donations from abroad, the BIC (SWIFT) code is ZABAHR2XXXX
Donations can also be made via mobile phone apps using the 2D barcode.
All the proceeds will be used to assist refugees and displaced persons who are being cared for by the International Red Cross and the Red Crescent in Ukraine and other countries which have taken in refugees, including Croatia.
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