Slovenia's payments to former Ljubljanska banka clients nearing completion

NEWS 27.12.201814:48

Slovenia is about to complete the full compensation of depositors of the so-called old foreign currency savings in now-defunct Ljubljanska Banka (LB), following a 2014 European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) ruling.

The Strasbourg court had ruled that Slovenia and the state-owned Ljubljanska Banka were responsible for reimbursing the bank’s debts to two applicants, former depositors in that bank.

By the end of October, Slovenia received 36,570 claims from Ljubljanska banka’s former clients in Croatia and in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with more than 33,000 of those requests for compensation approved, the Slovenian government’s office for issues of succession to the former Yugoslavia said on Thursday.

To date, Slovenia has paid out a total of €289.7 million to bank’s former clients, including €161.9 million to depositors of its Zagreb branch in Croatia, and €127.8 million to its former clients in Bosnia.

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