Epidemiologist: Duration of isolation could be reduced to 10 days

NEWS 11.09.202013:05
Igor Soban/PIXSELL

Epidemiologist and a member of the government's Science Counil, Branko Kolaric, said on Friday that there were indications that the duration of isolation for those infected with the coronavirus could be reduced to 10 days, and the decision could be made within a week or two.

Those with a positive PCR test exhibiting mild symptoms or no symptoms would not be in isolation for 14 days but for 10 days, said Kolaric in the Croatian Radio programme “U Mrezi Prvog”.

According to him, those who have been in contact with the infected person should self-isolate for 14 days.

“The difference between isolation and self-isolation is that infected persons are in isolation, they have a positive PCR test and we are talking about reducing the duration of their isolation. Self-isolation lasts 14 days, which is the incubation period, and it is still recommended for it to stay 14 days. There are indications that the duration of isolation could be reduced by a few days,” Kolaric said.

He would leave experts to agree on the recommendations for the duration, he said, so as not to confuse the public.