Croatian PM says Vukovar must be place of unity

NEWS 18.11.202311:57 0 komentara
Emica Elvedji/PIXSELL

Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, who on Saturday took part in the Remembrance Walk in Vukovar, said that participants in the procession came to pay tribute to Croatian defenders and fallen soldiers and underscored that Vukovar must be a place of unity and not of divisions.

“I am looking forward to the unity so that we together pay tribute to those who deserve the most credit for Croatia’s democracy and freedom in the last 30 years,” the premier said.

Commenting on the development of this eastern Croatian city, Plenkovic said that every government, and particularly his cabinet have made maximum efforts to enhance the communal infrastructure, education and healthcare of Vukovar.

It is our duty and the duty of all Croatian governments to care for Vukovar, he said.

Asked by the press about the For the Homeland Ready slogan on the insignia of the wartime HOS units, Plenkovic said that this topic had been already discussed and all that had been reduced to what had been in 1991.

All other connotations are unacceptable and also detrimental for Croatia, I hope that a vast majority of Croatians are aware of that, said the PM.

Emica Elvedji/PIXSELL
N1 / Sandra Križanec
N1 / Sandra Križanec
N1 / Sandra Križanec
N1 / Sandra Križanec
N1 / Igor Bobić
N1 / Igor Bobić
Emica Elvedji/PIXSELL
N1 / Ena Kasalo
N1 / Vesela Šegvić
N1 / Vesela Šegvić
N1 / Vesela Šegvić
N1 / Vesela Šegvić
N1 / Ilija Radić
N1 / Ena Kasalo
N1 / Ena Kasalo
N1 / Matea Klišanin
N1 / Matea Klišanin
N1 / Vesela Šegvić

As for the decision of the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS) not to participate in today’s commemorations in Vukovar and Skabrnja, after Homeland Movements officials did not allow SDSS representatives to throw wreaths in the Danube on Friday, Plenkovic said that “they (SDSS) made their decision.”

SDSS representatives have been in the Remembrance Procession several times, he said adding that he did not see what had changed since then.

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