Mrak-Taritas: Plenkovic seems indifferent to misogynists and sexists in his government

NEWS 17.10.202417:59 0 komentara
Anka Mrak Taritaš u Novom danu

The government has sent two ministers to the conservative European Family Congress in Dubrovnik, which has led to disagreements among NGOs and parts of the opposition.

“One of them is responsible for demography. Considering that this event is closely linked to the World Congress of Families, which openly advocates the banning of divorce, abortion, same-sex marriage and even artificial insemination, it is legitimate to ask whether this is the path the government is leading us down when it comes to demographic policy,” responded GLAS party leader and MP Anka Mrak-Taritas, adding:

“Demographic policy is a list of discriminatory nonsense”

“We know very well that for the Domovinski pokret party, the demographic policy is a list of discriminatory nonsense that amounts to the subordination of women and the exclusion of all who do not fit into their image of the ideal Croatian man and woman, but it is high time that Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic explained whether this is the policy of his government.”

According to Mrak-Taritas, one gets the impression that the government has no problems with all this.

“So far, it seems that the prime minister has no problem with the fact that misogynists, sexists, racists and religious fanatics are in his government. The Minister of Demography has announced a strategic law on demography, so he is probably on his way to the ultra-conservative meeting in Dubrovnik to collect ideas for the said law,” concludes Mrak-Taritas.

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