Plenkovic: Negotiations on new gov’t to continue on Monday

NEWS 21.04.202414:23 0 komentara

HDZ leader Andrej Plenkovic said on Sunday that talks on the formation of the new government would continue on Monday with all the parties willing to negotiate, in line with the trust put in them by their voters. Pročitaj više

Speaking to reporters after a commemorative event in Jasenovac, Plenković said that his party had already held a meeting with all representatives of ethnic minorities, who were willing to continue cooperating with the HDZ, and that talks with other partners would continue as well.

There have been contacts with the Homeland Movement, with whose representatives talks will be held next week, Plenkovic said.

Talks on demands by possible partners have not started, he said when asked if he would be willing to meet the Homeland Movement’s demand that the new majority be formed without the Independent Democratic Serb Party (SDSS).

“We’ll see when we sit at the negotiation table. The speculation that has appeared in the media about… conditions being set is a fabrication, there have been no talks between the two parties in that regard,” he said.

The Croatian people made it clear what they think of all election participants on 17 April, and the message of the elections is that the HDZ and its partners are the relative winners, he said.

“We will form the government again. As of Monday, we will continue talks on the formation of the new government with everyone open to talks, in line with the trust put in them by their voters,” said Plenković.

He went on to say that after the elections the atmosphere in the Homeland Movement had calmed down, while SDP leader Peđa Grbin “continues to insult the winners.”

Plenkovic resented that the opposition parties had not congratulated the HDZ on its victory and were refusing to admit defeat. “This is unheard of. Some of the defeated parties are trying to convince the public that they have won,” said Plenkovic.

He said that the scenario under which the opposition would form a majority in the parliament against the HDZ was unrealistic.

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