Experts call for systemic solutions after the Precko school tragedy

NEWS 27.12.202412:15 0 komentara
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Srecko Niketic/PIXSELL

The Croatian Chamber of Social Pedagogues, the Croatian Pedagogical and Literary Society and the Association of Judges for Youth, Family Court Judges and Child and Youth Experts are organisations whose experts are specifically dedicated to the care of children and young people. Following the tragedy that occurred in a school in Precko, they issued a special statement to the public.

“We express our deep and sincere condolences to the family of the deceased child and wish the injured children and the teacher a speedy and full recovery.

We would particularly like to emphasise the courageous and selfless actions of the teacher, who tried to protect the children and put herself in danger in the process. This reflects the unique value of the teaching profession, which, when truly lived, is not just a job, but a vocation and a mission. While we have repeatedly emphasised the need to equip schools with expert teams, it is not fair to link this tragedy to a possible lack of specialists.

We recognise the importance of media reporting in shaping public opinion and therefore call on the media to adhere to high ethical standards to prevent the violation of the rights of children and young people and those close to them. Children and young people are a vulnerable group, so it is crucial to protect their privacy in every single case. The protection of children and young people in the media requires a joint effort by media professionals, experts, parents and the wider social community.

In the face of this tragic event, which is difficult to comprehend, a wealth of additional information does not bring calm or a sense of control, but rather fosters further unease, fear and a feeling of helplessness. Detailed descriptions of the offence itself and the circumstances of the crime can also serve as a negative trigger for an unstable person and pose a risk of imitation. We therefore advocate cautious reporting of the event, focussing not on the perpetrator but on the grief of the parents, the courage of the teacher and the importance of improving school safety.

We call for support to investigate the issues identified and work together to find ways to create a better and safer environment for our children and youth. We must strive to present the complexity of the problem and look for systemic solutions to reduce the risk of violent behaviour,” their message to the media reads.

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