Government blamed for pensioners poverty: Mass demonstration planned in Zagreb

NEWS 26.09.202412:20 0 komentara
Milivoj Špika

Milivoj Spika from the "Pensioners Together" bloc (BUZ) spoke with Tihomir Ladisic on the morning show New Day about the protest that pensioners plan.

The protest will take place on Tuesday, 1 October, at Ban Jelacic Square in Zagreb.

The reason is the increasing poverty among pensioners and Spika says that some county and other organisations are receiving “friendly telephone advice” that it would not be wise for them to take part in this protest as they receive funds from the national budget.

“They have been told, ‘You know, there might be problems with funding.’ We understand these people, we are not angry; whoever can come will come. Many people from other cities have announced their participation, but only a few associations will actually come. They say they support us, but then the calls come. But none of it will work, the turnout will be massive,” he says.

The Croatian government is responsible for the poverty of pensioners

Spika emphasises that the protest is not directed against individuals, but against poverty, for which he blames the Croatian government.

The pensioners are demanding concrete measures, including a tax exemption for pensions up to 1000 euros and an increase in the average pension to 60% of the average salary.

They are also calling for better rights for family pensioners, the possibility of inheriting pensions and greater support for single-person households, which are the most affected.

Pensioners call for urgent action

Although the protest is not political, Spika acknowledges speculation that politicians, including the prime minister or members of the government, may attend. President Zoran Milanovic has not yet been invited, but Spika does not rule out this possibility.

He points out that the “Pensioners Together” bloc supports Milanovic’s candidacy in the presidential elections because it criticises the authoritarianism of the HDZ.

Spika sent a clear message to the government: pensioners demand urgent measures to stop the growing poverty.

The protest entitled “Against Poverty” contains a strong message about the need to improve the standard of living of pensioners. The aim is to guarantee a decent pension and end the current practise of granting one-off support that is later reclaimed through taxes.

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